Sites That I Have Some Input In
(Even if it's just giving the Napoleonbork comicy ideas)

Flaming duck!!

I'm Andy, no really, I am!  
::points to her red hair and the fact that she's Napoleon's best friend::
Oh, the stories I could tell.

PaddedCell Productions

Movie Related

The Internet Movie Database
If you're watching a movie and think to yourself  "Is that so and so..." and you wish you could find out for sure, this is the site for you.
You can look up any movie and get the cast, crew, and other information.  
You can also look up names and find out every movie the person was involved in.
It's great for settling arguments.

Ain't It Cool News
Great source for movie news.

Drew's Script-O-Rama
Movie scripts, and transcripts.  
Need I say more?

The View Askew-niverse
The official site for Kevin Smith's flicks.
There's a www board where Kevin and other people involved in the movies post along with the public,
And there's and chatroom where you can talk to other fans, and sometimes even Jay! 
(he gets bored a lot you see)

Music Related
Your best source for lyrics to songs by my favorite band that's still together.
The official site
Best source for TMBG related news and articles and such.
This is where I go when I can't remember the words to songs by my second favorite band that is no longer existing.

Animaniacs Mega Lyrics File
When you need to know the words of the Earthquake song, and you need to know them now.

Fairy Tales:

Blue Fairy Book

Yellow Fairy Book

Red Fairy Book

Violet Fairy Book

Entire books of classic non-disneymafied fairy tales, on webpages for your reading enjoyment!

Webcomics That I Read
(some of these are no longer being written, but I think you can read the old ones still and I'm too lazy to change things so there :P)


Merv is another of my heroes.  

Corey reminds me of a friend I had in high school.

The first webcomic I ever got into.  I even have a Dust Puppy shirt!

I for some reason like comics that are about the artist.  I've decided that it's all Napoleon's fault.

I know I've listed Snail Dust twice on this page, but I'm in it!  If you were in a comic you'd list it twice too.  
Don't give me that look.

Sites That Are Just Plain Fun

Eric Conveys an Emotion
This guy is my hero...well, one of my heroes anyway.

The All-Knowing Bob
Who needs a magic 8-ball when you can ask questions of the all mighty Bob?
He might even play a game with you if you ask him nicely.

Star Wars Asciimation
Ever wondered what Star Wars would look like if it were done entirely in ASCII?  
Well, here it is anyway.

Find the Spam
What gave me the idea for Find the Monkey, well, that and a strange conversation I had with the Napoleon.

Kevin's Fridge Magnets
Leave strange messages, it's fun.